Bits and Bytes Computer Club



Club Mission Statement

The Bits and Bytes Club is dedicated to providing opportunities for older adults to learn, share, and thrive in their use of technology.

Club Values

The Bits and Bytes Club actively promotes opportunities for participation, leadership, and contribution, valuing the variety of skill levels our members bring.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where people of all genders feel welcomed, valued, and respected. We recognize and celebrate the diversity of our members and strive to create a space free from discrimination, harassment, or bias.

We promote awareness, and challenge stereotypes about older adults' abilities with technology, fostering a culture that values experience, wisdom, and diverse perspectives, regardless of age.

Club Meetings

Executive Meetings (monthly; in person or online)
Monthly meetings of a volunteer executive, to make decisions about club events

Speaker Series Meetings (monthly; in person or online)
Informative presentations by knowledgeable guest speakers on topics related to emerging technologies

Show and Tell Meetings (monthly; in person or online)f
Interactive sessions focusing on personal use of technology

Drop-in Help Sessions (twice monthly; in person or online.
Help sessions where members can ask any questions related to their personal use of technology

Club volunteers are ready to help answer questions, find solutions, and share their experiences, in small group or 1:1 sessions


Club membership is free and includes benefits like:

Receiving regular emails about
 - Upcoming events
 - Upcoming club activities

You'll also be able to join our Facebook page.

In order to participate in any club events and activities, a valid Kitchener Group Card is required. This card can be used at any Kitchener Community Centre.
Click here for information about the Kitchener Group Card.

To Join The Bites & Bytes Computer Club

1. E-mail the following information to
2. Name
3. Phone number
4. Get ready to start enjoying the benefits of being a Bits & Bytes member


Bits and Bytes Executive 2023 - 2024

Chairperson Ron Baer
Vice Chairperson
Tech Equipment
Member Outreach Chair
Susan Watt
Program Coordinator, DCC Sandy Hrubrik
Ian Kent
Program Committee Co-Chair
Inge Ford
Treasurer Bill Day
Website Guenter Gamauf
Executive Member
Program Committee Co-Chair
Show & Tell Committee Chair
Brom Churchill
Executive Member
Drop-in Meeting Chair
Social Media
Jim Reeves
Executive Member Lew Ford